Sabtu, Januari 08, 2011

The Magic of the Astagfirullah Word

Ini cerita tentang keajaiban 'astagfirullah' yang aku simpan di status facebook-ku beberapa hari kemarin. :)

Status yang kutulis itu bunyinya begini; 
" If you find you are in a bad mood, stop and think something good that would bring you to the better state. Probably, not those around you who make it but that because you are less in 'dzikrullah'. Take an action to change your state of mind !
For first, you can say 'astagfirullah...' :))) ♥"

Ternyata kalimat di statusku ini konon begitu mengesankan dan memberi sebuah makna lain pada seorang teman asingku yang kebetulan non muslim. Menurut pengakuannya di inbokku, ada sesuatu yang terjadi padanya ketika ia membaca statusku. Saat itu ia kebetulan sedang merasa sangat depresi dan hilang hampir semua harapan. Kesedihannya akan penghianatan kekasihnya membuat ia skeptis terhadap apapun. Dan ketika menemukan kalimat status itu, tiba-tiba ia begitu ingin percaya tentang kata 'astagfirullah' itu.

Dia bilang; "I don't know what the 'astagfirullah' is. I guessed that was a kind of mantra or something like that. But I know you are a religious person, Fateema. I almost always love everything you said in your statuses. So I spelled it... and said."

Sampai di sini, aku tertawa, senyum lebar saja ding!.
Trus dia bilang lagi... "And, do you able to guess what happened then?"
"I rather to hear it straight from you," jawabku sedikit penasaran.
Lantas dia membalas lagi.
"Oh, that was unbelievable, Fateema. When I said it then instantly I felt so lighter and as if there something was trying to calmed me down. I was really being in a magical state at the time. Excited. That was indeed a new experience for me. Can you tell me, what the mean of the 'astagfirullah' is? "

Hahahaha... masha Allah.
Seemed Allah did His great job magically and amazingly !
Love You Full pokoke... wahai Sang Pemilik Segala !